I’m a long way from Kansas

Much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I feel like my entire career has been living inside the house with tornado whisking me away to Oz, never knowing where I am going to land. Maybe in this career, you never land and are constantly in the tornado of technology change.

I have been writing code since 1984. That may seem like a long time ago, and it was, but in the world of technology, it might as well been the start of the industrial age.

I am hoping to start building out this website as a place for me to place my thoughts, ideas, and personal philosophy of solution development I have internalized over the years. This by no means I know everything, on the contrary, I have much to learn. But, I hope that someone will be able to learn at least a few little nuggets in here that sparks their interest and make them contemplate.

I definitely will put out some controversial statements, as anyone my age does (get off my lawn!!!), but I love to hear all opinions. I just find some things to be mundane and not worth the time (I’m talking about you open bracket crazies…you know who you are).