“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
Pablo Picasso
I became a solution developer because that when I recognized problems, I wanted to solve them. When I was young, my problem was boredom. Before computers came along in my life, I would build other contraptions using things around the house. These were usually toys seeing I was less than 10 at the time. Using little Hot Wheels race tracks that would crash into something, or dominoes that fell over in a certain way to cause other effects. These ultimately were to satisfy what I considered a problem; myself being bored. So there I had it, a problem that I wanted to solve, and I used toys to solve this problem.
Once I solved one thing, I had to tackle another problem, and on, and on… These tools (toys) started as a distraction for me, but I then needed an idea, a vision of something grand and impressive. To a little boy this tended to end up in something getting destroyed in some way. But this gave me a new thing to think about, using my imagination to think of something that hadn’t been done before. I could then use my knowledge of my toys, to fulfill the idea floating around in my head.
It wasn’t long before I started to realize my Legos© and Hot Wheels™ didn’t quite have the power to do what I wanted. This is when I realized I needed more toys (I still do need more toys, but I need to get approval for the expensive ones). With new toys, I could fulfill more of my ideas, and I was able to imagine new things because of what these new toys could provide.
Along Came a Different Kind of Toy
Then came the day my older brother received his first Atari 400. I remember he spent months doing paper routes to get enough money to buy it. This was my first introduction to an almost unlimited toy, the building. I could dream up almost anything and figure out how to make it do something on the computer screen. Since I was still a kid, my first inclination was that I wanted to make a game. Back in the 1980s, magazines were the place you received most of your information about programming. These were always packed full of full program listings for games.
At the time, I had no idea what these words being typed into the computer meant. I just knew that when it was done, I had a game I could play. My brother would often go into the code, change something, and all of a sudden, the game would change. I wanted to do that. That looked fun.
What I really enjoyed wasn’t necessarily the game that I ended up creating, but the processes that I had to go through to make the game. The failing, the learning, the frustration, and the joy when it all seemed to come together.
Final Thoughts
A painting is never finished, only abandoned
Leonardo da Vinci
Over the past few decades, I have started, partially finished, and sometimes finished many projects. I think this is the case for many people with a passion for learning. For my own projects, I often abandon them when they lose the luster they once had, but also when I was done learning as much as I could from that endeavor.
Over the past few decades, I have learned quite a few lessons that I will outline in later posts (assuming you keep reading them, although they will probably be written anyways).
- It is fine to not know something, it is not fine to not TRY to know something
- Identifying what problem you are trying to solve is much harder than you think
- Software is relatively easy, people are hard
- You always know more at the end of journey, than you do at the beginning
- Life is more important than work, make your work as enjoyable as you can, but live your life
This hopefully gives you a little insight into who I am, and what makes me tick a little bit, and maybe why I am starting this little site.