
Well for now “Us” is just me. But like the site says, I’m a Gen X solution developer that is working in the modern world of development. What this really means is, that I have seen a lot of change. my journey into programming started at the age of 10 while reading aloud Basic programs for my brother to type into the Atari 400 at home that was hooked up to our only TV. I remember having my brother use the soldering gun to heat the screws on the bottom of the computer until the case melted, allowing us to break into the motherboard and update it to a massive 38k of memory.

My eureka moment came when I programmed an infinite loop that printed out “Hello!!”, and then having to terminate it manually. I learned the hard ay that poking random bytes into memory addresses will leave you with a machine you had to reset. All the while storing the lovingly created programs on old audio cassette drives (yes, they did exist).

After these humble beginnings, and about 12 languages later, I stumbled into the Smalltalk world at the end of college and into the beginning of my professional career. This language taught me many things, message based programs, true object oriented programming, meta programming, etc… One of the best things that came out of this language was the agile movement that has taken over the software management paradigm in the past two decades. While the language did not cause the ideas, it was a common starting point for many radical ideas at the time. For more information on this, I would look at what I would consider the founding of the agile movement, the c2 wiki the very first wiki, or WikiWiki as it was known back then.

Hopefully this blog will eventually capture some of my musings that I have had and continue to have over my journey through this technology roller coaster within my lifetime.